PRP Hair Treatment in Noida

PRP Hair Therapy- Restore Your Hair with A Non-Invasive Technique

Are you concerned about premature hair loss and consequent baldness? Extreme hair fall does not just affect your beauty. You might have tried different serums and hair packs to solve this devastating problem. But they have not provided an effective result. The most reliable and scientifically proven solution for your hair loss is PRP. Of course, hair PRP treatment does not mean turning a bald scalp into a full-haired condition. However, you can thicken your hair and add density with hairPRP treatment.

PRP Hair Treatment in Noida

Choose PRP for Hair Loss

PRP is a safe treatment promoting natural hair growth. Each PRP session takes only an hour; so you will get a quick solution for your hair. During the treatment, you may feel only a minor pinch. The best fact is that the therapy will improve your hair texture. It means you will have healthier and glossier hair. Go online and search- hair PRP near me.

If you want PRP hair loss treatment at your home, contact Siama.

The Best Age For PRP Hair Therapy

Experts have not recommended any maximum age limit for this hair treatment. But, your minimum age must be 18 years for PRP injection therapy. The process will trigger regrowth of your lost hair.

PRP As A Standalone Treatment For Hair- What Are The Advantages?

PRP hair loss treatment benefits you in multiple ways-

  • Strengthen your hair- PRP therapy is effective in making your hair stronger. You can also avoid hair thinning with this treatment.
  • Boost your hair diameter- Every hair strand will become thicker if you have considered PRP.
  • Minimally invasive- PRP specialists will not make incisions or cuts for the treatment. So, it will be a safe process for people of any age.
  • Darken your hair- You will have denser and darker hair after the treatment.
  • Reduce hair loss- The non-invasive therapy will reduce the hair shedding rate.
  • Non-allergenic- As the specialist does not use any chemical, you have no risk of allergies.
  • Reduce dandruff- The revitalization procedure will minimize the risk of flakiness.

Process Of PRP For Hair Loss- Learn About The Steps In Detail

Process Of PRP For Hair Loss- Learn About The Steps In Detail

Understanding the PRP therapy process is important before having the treatment. The process involves injecting platelet-rich plasma cells into your scalp. Platelet-rich plasma for hair is a liquid substance of blood.

Platelets help with blood clotting; however, they also have proteins and cytokines for rejuvenation and growth.

So, let us now explain the steps for PRP for Hair Loss.

1st step

The specialist will draw only a small amount of blood (not more than 60 ml) from your arm. He will insert the blood into the centrifuge machine, spinning rapidly to isolate fluids of varying densities.


Within a few minutes, the machine will separate the blood into multiple layers-

  • Platelet-rich plasma
  • Plasma with low platelet count
  • RBC


The certified expert draws up the platelet-rich plasma using a syringe and injects the substance into your scalp. This process will promote your hair growth.

If the platelet concentration is comparatively high, you will have a considerably pronounced effect on your hair density.

Types Of Alopecia You Can Treat With Platelet-Rich Plasma

The PRP injection is the right choice for treating different hair loss issues-

  • Alopecia areata
  • Androgenetic alopecia
  • Telogen effluvium

Often, stress and shock to your body can cause temporary hair fall issues. It will push your hair into telogen for at least 2 months before falling out. Then, hair will not grow for a couple of months. From a clinical perspective, telogen effluvium leads to hair thinning. You may notice the issue, especially after cleansing the hair.

Alopecia areata is caused by autoimmune problems, and you may find patchy hair loss in some parts. This disorder can also lead to a thinner beard and eyebrows.

Androgenetic alopecia is another condition when you find a widening part. It is mostly related to hormonal and genetic factors. Your hair follicles become weaker if you are sensitive to androgen hormones.

Let your PRP specialists diagnose the problem before providing the treatment.

Common And Rare Side Effects Of PRP Injections

The PRP formulation itself does not cause any negative reactions. The administration and preparation methods are the major factors causing the adverse effects. At the injected site, you may experience-

  • Bruising
  • Swelling
  • Redness

Only in rare cases, you may have an infection after the treatment. It happens when proper sanitation is not maintained during the platelet-rich plasma formulation. Tissue and nerve injuries are some other rare effects. If you have chosen an experienced expert, there will be no such issue.

How Do Experts Make You Feel Comfortable During Hair PRP Treatment?

Medical specialists try to prevent any discomfort while providing injection-based hair PRP therapy. They apply some techniques to reduce your pain.

  • Applying anesthetic agents- Topically administered or injection-based anesthetic agents are used before starting the process. These substances will numb the part where the experts will start treatment.
  • Using vibration devices- Innovatively designed vibration devices are efficient at numbing the part. These devices will massage the area, as they diffuse the fluid.
  • Using fine needles- Fine 31-gauge needles allow medical specialists to inject the plasma. So, you may not feel pain at the chosen site.
  • Using ice packs- Another way to reduce pain is to numb the part treated with the injectable substance. The expert will use it before providing the injection. However, you may also apply ice packs after the injection to avoid swelling.

Can Anyone Consider Hair PRP Treatment?

Platelet-rich plasma injection therapy is not intended for every individual. You cannot consider it if you have-

  • A low platelet count
  • Hemophilia and other blood clotting issues
  • Cancer
  • Pregnancy
  • Active infection
  • Systemic lupus Erythematosus

Breastfeeding moms must avoid platelet-rich plasma therapy.

Guide to Recovering Fasterfrom Platelet-Rich Plasma hair Treatment

You must take some precautionary steps after having a PRP hair therapy session.

  • Wash your hair if you do not feel pain at the injected site.
  • Avoid coloring your hair for 3 days after the process,
  • Do not practice strenuous exercises after undergoing the therapy.
  • Avoid smoking and consuming alcohol for 4 days after the treatment.
  • Your expert will give you more tips for achieving the best results.


PRP treatment is a risk-free solution for hair loss problems. Not every individual loses hair for the same cause. But, PRP is effective for most hair thinning and hair loss issues. Siama is the best destination where you can call experts to get PRP treatment at your home.


The number of times you need PRP depends on the severity of your hair loss. Moreover, your current hair condition and your expectations affect the decision of your treatment provider. After every session, you have to wait for a few weeks before considering the next therapy. So, consult your hair specialist and learn about your customized treatment plan.